Darren Groth

Darren Groth is a Brisbane boy transplanted to Vancouver, Canada. He is the author of acclaimed fiction novels MVP – Most Valuable Potential and The Procrastinator. MVP – Most Valuable Potential was shortlisted in the Queensland Premier’s Literary Awards and was selected for the prestigious ‘Books From Our Backyard: 100 Must-Read Books From Queensland’ list. The Umbilical Word is his third novel.

Darren has appeared at numerous literary events including the Brisbane Writers’ Festival and the National Young Writers’ Festival. He has been a guest speaker, workshop/masterclass facilitator and writer-in-residence for literary organisations, writing groups, schools and libraries. He remains a registered Mentor with the Australian Society of Authors.

When he’s not watching Family Guy with his beautiful Canadian wife, he’s head-banging to Spiderbait with his six year old twins.




Maddy recognised the man at her feet. He had proposed like this, on his haunches. She’d laughed at him. One knee was love, she’d argued. Two was desperation.

He’d replied that he was desperately in love.

Nine years on, was it still the case? In her darker moments, she imagined him dashing off with some younger, thinner, better dressed chick; unscarred, History-free, who didn’t demand Mars bars or inspire toilet door vigils, who could see a pregnancy through to term and, in doing so, fulfil the most basic function of the female species. And she wouldn’t begrudge him his flight. Given the chance to run away from herself, she would’ve outpaced an Olympic sprinter.

The day-to-day evidence refuted her worst imaginings. He hugged her when she needed it. He kissed her unannounced. He cracked up at her rude puns. He got horny over her untouchable body. He eagerly reported dreams in which he remained faithful to her and he changed the channel when Halle Berry appeared on TV. He met her every requirement without overt complaint. He promised the suffering would end.
And he still got down on both knees.

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