
Dr. Priyambodo, MPM, DESS, was born in Kediri on January 13, 1963. He was educated at SD N Burengan IV Kediri, SMP N III Kediri, SMA N I Kediri. He earned a Bachelor’s degree at Brawijaya University, Malang, majoring in Management Economics, in 1988. He earned a Master of Transportation degree from Rijks Universiteit Centrum Antwerp, Belgium from 1996-1997 and a Diplôme D’Étude Supérieures Specialisées from Université De Nantes France in 1998-1999. He wrote articles and opinions in various mass media and worked at the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Transportation, Jakarta, from 1993-2004. In 2004, he moved to East Java Province and now works for the Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA) as a Research Professor with a specialization in the field of transportation. In addition, he is also a lecturer in introductory courses and transportation management at the Satya Widya Tourism Academy in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.

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