Outer Space, Inner Minds Digital Anthology

Outer Space, Inner Minds Digital Anthology

Calling all “self isolating” artists (& others) We think it’s time to blast off from this virus-fuelled ‘hot spot’ to the fresh air of inspiration to be found in the cosmos. So we’re calling for entries to our first-ever digital anthology, which will have the theme/title Outer Space, Inner Minds. Any work that touches on our relation […]

Meet Robert Cox: A Compulsion to Kill

Meet Robert Cox: A Compulsion to Kill

A Compulsion to Kill is like no other! Investigating the lives of the murderous and heinous, Robert Cox brings Australia’s earliest serial killers to life in a gripping page-turner. Cox sat down with Editorial Assistant Sarah Trapski to have a quick chat about his new book. Sarah Trapski: With your previous work, Baptised in Blood, and now A […]

The Planets are Aligning in Banff!

The Planets are Aligning in Banff!

More international recognition for David P Reiter’s latest work! David’s recent win at the 2012 Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards 2012 for the My Planets Reunion Memoir set the stage. And 2014 is looking to be bigger and better! The International Autobiography and Biography Association (IABA) Conference has just invited David to present Planets to a […]

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